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what we do

the most popular word you will hear any non-profit use is "empower" - empowering youth, women, minorities, leading through empowerment, empowerment for all. when we were building dream alive, we sat for long nights and days and deconstructed the word empowerment to see where it really comes from and what our intentions are when we look to empower. we came to the conclusion that giving someone the power to accomplish their goals has both intrinsic and extrinsic value, creating an everlasting ripple.


the dream alive foundation understands that children are born across the world in situations that systematically create a glass ceiling preventing growth as easy as their peers. yet, the good thing about a glass ceiling is you can see where you are about to go. we have two main pipelines to eradicate poverty within the hearts and brains of our youths. A. filling in the gaps within education that some zipcodes cannot afford and B. providing opportunities to create wacky and unimaginable wishlist items, to prove that anything is possible with enough confidence, zeal, and the ability to use your resources.


we would like to thank our friends and family, donors, sponsors, and neighborhood for helping us with our mission.


  • providing tutoring services

  • providing mock job/college interviews and workshops

  • school supply donations

  • book drive

  • job shadowing

  • college campus tours

  • scholarships

  • science fairs and projects

  • myers-briggs and vark tests and analysis (personality and learning style quizzes)

  • mentorships

Playing Basketball

wishlist items

varies on dreamer - past wish list items include (but not limited to)​


  • la kings tickets

  • books

  • soccer ball, ronaldo jersey

  • art supplies

  • ps4, xbox, nintendo ds

  • skateboard, bike, scooter, hoverboard

  • museum tickets

  • guitar and lessons

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